(ahahas! i know i look
yo people! lalalalas, i'm feeling so guai1 (:
muahahas i didn't go online yesterday, and i don't plan on going today too!
plus i didn't even touch the IE button until now (which is AFTER dinner!)
big accomplishment, seriously!
Now that i can't use any sms-es too, my phone distraction's gone too! walala =)
can call me though, i won't get distracted by phone calls (cause they only last at most 15 hhas. whereas you can sms non stop for like, 2 hours? this explains why my sms bao-ed T.T)
happyhappyhappy. but i've not done much despite not touching the com and my hp...
seems like i spend around 5-10 minutes stoning before i start on my work lol? =.=
must jiayou; let me announce what i still have to study for EOY:
geog chaps
36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48
whoops. 12 more chaps to go! T.T
there's still 11 more days till EOY X((
Maths Chaps 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ,12, 13, 14
sec 3 Variation, Probability
GOSH. i've not really studied for maths yet, though i can rmb most stuff (except all the formulars for caculating solids LOL.
History Chaps 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Practically the WHOLE BOOK. i've not started.
Science Chapps
i've only done 2 chapters..
Chinese Chaps 24, 26, 29, 30, 35
right. we still have 2 more chapters that we aren't taught.
OH, and plus ChengYu 131-150
not studied.
english...i'm not gonna study for that.
to sum it all up, i've still got LOADS of stuff to study.
Jiayou Emma. you only have 11 more days.
1) study 1 hist chap everyday starting tomorrow. (MUST!)
2) study 2 geog chaps EVERYDAY starting TML.
3) Study 3 maths chaps EVERYDAY starting Tml.
4) study 2 sciences chaps EVERYDAY starting Tml.
5) study 10 ChengYu everyday (means until friday)
6) study Chinese Starting this Saturday.
which means, i've got:
1 hist chap
2 geog chaps
3 maths chaps
2 science chaps
10 chengyu
oh wow. i still have like
1) part 2 of maths test paper
2) section A of science test paper
3) Copying enjoyedu stuff
4) english worksheets
5) Learning my music (aha this one damn easy. i'll take 1/2 hr off)
i still have to BATHE.
and wanna play the Piano! X(
AH. i have myself to blame inthe end for slacking SO MUCH for the past 3 months.
yea like how the hell can i get into my preferred combi;
think about it man. i'm like so dead.
oh, and i'm also super dead in sec3. i'm most prob taking 9 subjects
1) HCL
2) EL
3) Emaths
4) Amaths
5) Chem
6) Bio
7) electLIT
8) coreGEOG
9) Art elect (maybe only)
GAHHHH why must we even study in the first place.
nevertheless, no point ranting and grumbling and moaning and groaning whining now, i've gotta
why's life so boring when it comes to exams?
ahaha. praise me for not falling asleep during lesson anymore!
i sleep at 12:30am everyday now!
YAHOO. i'm 1/2 hr early! =) *grins*
Okay. sorry for this B-0-R-I-N-G post.
do tag me puh-lease haha. but i'll only check tags after 7:30 pm or when i'm having a break from work!
exams, please DIE.
if they were alive, i would have sliced them up into a million fragments YEARS AGO.
i'm so looking forward to 11 oct, 27 oct and 4 dec.
no use dreaming now. i'd better buck up or there goes my combination X(
lets end my post with my favourite photos!
Emma And Annia hawhawhaw =D
Yea its Mika Nakashima! =D
hahas i've written all the tracks down from her album [love]
yea its edited! ^^
added more stuff to it!
and btw, i don't mean to say "save Mika Nakashima"
LOLS. the foolscap pad just happen to have the word "SAVE". LOL?
K enough of pics, i'm off to work! buhbye.
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